How does it feel to achieve something big? -Normal

             All those things you saw when others achieved something and thought how the person would be feeling. How different he would be that among everyone else, he achieved. How much extra hard work would he have done.How everyone is calling to congratulate him. How people are saying that he is their pride. How much he made his parents proud. You wonder if you could ever be that person and how it feels to be like him!  
            And now that you are that ‘one’ person, it’s all so normal. You find things still are the same. There hasn't appeared an angel ring above you. People calling to congratulate or your name in the newspapers doesn't adds to your achievement, it just puts a smile on your face for sometime.
           People looking up to you for inspiration makes you feel amazed because you don’t think you are extra ordinary. You made everyone proud. Well, that is something worth appreciating. Moreover, there is this contentment in the realization that you chased your dream mercilessly.

          You can take inspiration from it at any point of your life. You can feel good for an achievement. You can feel good for being an “ALL INDIA BEST CADET” at some point of your life! :’)


  1. Normal - Yes bcoz u r n extraordinary girl for having achieved it.
    A dream which u saw 5 yrs ago but not let b jst a dream, u made it happen.
    V all knw u'r focus & d intense hardwork u put in
    U r an inspiration to others a guiding force who can tell me ways to achieve their aim is through relentless pursuit of u'r dream...
    there are always more peaks to conquer so go out & conquer dem

    1. thanxx a tonne.. ur words will always keep me going :)

  2. its seems that once u have achieved ur aim u take it.... "what the hell it was so easy" challenge at all ... seems the last trip is a similar case ....all the best for the next challenge...

    1. exactlt that! thank you for your wishes :)

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