
We all dread changes; whether big or small, painful or relaxing, of past or present- we dread them. We are at home, we don’t want to leave for work; once at work, we don’t want to go home. In pajamas, we think twice changing for a party; after the party, you don’t want to get back to pajamas. In peace, we hate noise; being in noise, we learn to enjoy it.  As a child you want to grow up; when finally you are a grown up, you want to be a child again.
     Ever thought why we fear losing our friends? Because then we’ll have to make new ones. We’ll have new people in our lives- a change. Moreover, as soon as someone starts giving clarification for their action, we stop them. Because then, we will have to change what we have already made up in our mind. Whether we realize it or not; whether we accept it or not. A part of us always wants everything to be the same-the people around us (whether we like them or not), the circumstances (good or bad).. Even when we say ‘I want a change’!
      Well, inertia in science is what is responsible for it. We are not to be blamed. Now, here the decision is for us to make. Either let inertia rule your life or you rule it yourself. All we can do is accept the change as it comes, with a clear heart and open arms. After all, the only thing that is constant is change.


  1. "We’ll have new people in our lives- a change" irony is that you accept the change and mould yourself to live with it


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