Beware of having 'special ones'..

        We constantly live in a fear of losing the special people of our lives. Sometimes, losing them to the circumstances, sometimes to death. But most of the times, losing them to other people. The people you think will not take care of them, who won’t love them the way you do. And who would change your special ones to someone you don’t want them to become. Well yes, it is getting a bit confusing here. So just imagine, how you feel when your best friend starts talking to someone else more often than they do to you. You can actually feel yourself drifting away from their life. You never wanted to share them with anyone.
        All the love you thought was binding your friendship is now not sufficient to bring them back. And the biggest thing of all- you feel jealous and hate the other person who took your beloved one.You start comparing yourself with them. You try to find reasons why your special one chose the other person over you. And naturally, all you have are some assumptions which don’t even exist. And there you are standing helpless; feeling defeated.
             And we don’t even give it a thought that may be our place can never be replaced. May be you’re also as special to the other person as they are to you.  At the times of betrayal, it is quite difficult to stay positive. But yes, people are not possessions. You can’t say someone belongs to you and so you have no right to hold them to you.            

              The easiest thing to do here is to adapt to the changes. To learn to live without them. Or, let them go and believe in the fact that if they are yours, they will come back to you. What works for me here is that you give a last try to get the special person back. At least that way you’ll not have to regret for your whole life that you could have tried one last time. If this too doesn't works out; then I think it’s time to shout “Go to hell!”..


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