
Life is all about making choices, the choices we love, the choices we dread, the choices that make us what we are. And one day when we look back, we realize that those choices have transformed our lives.
      For the wrong choices, we wonder how our life would have been if we’d have made a right decision. For the right ones, we thank God. Some choices drift us away from our loved ones, some bring us close to them. Some make us realize that few people are better away from us and few are the ones we can’t live without. Some choices make us better, some even worse. And some don’t really matter. Some choices are so hard that they take a lifetime, some are a game of few seconds.
        Some require the intervening of others, while some are left totally upon us. And we fear the ones left to us most because once we make it and it doesn't works out; we won’t get anyone to put the blame on. We will just be left to guilt for whole of our life because of that one stupid choice.

          But with every choice we make; we lose a part of ourselves, we get willing to ‘let go’ of a thing we held for a long time. But again in the end- life is all about choosing one thing over the other. You make a choice and then you wait for the result. Silently hoping that it will all turn out to be good. When finally the result comes, you are either thanking God or cursing Him. And we very soon forget that we got the result according to the choice We made, and not God. Just remembering that what we have got is a result of what we chose and what we did, can make life a lot easier. When you know you are the one responsible for what is happening to you, you’ll only take charge of your own life. Think about it!


  1. "We get willing to let go of a thing we held for a long time." Happend to me. Very realistic.


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